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Boost your immunity by increasing your intake of Vitamin D and Zinc

covid19 health wellbeing Oct 19, 2020

We are all very aware of the threat of Covid-19 - I can't believe that anyone could have escaped this....

We are also aware the benefits of a 'healthy lifestyle'. But just what does this mean? And, how do I 'get one'!

Well, surprise surprise this is not something that you can just buy. It is a commitment to doing a range of things that support your body...

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Time to be focused on supporting our amazing bodies

With all the news and media attention on the coronavirus covid-19, it is easy to spend too much time worrying and stressing about the 'what if'.

Our bodies are amazing instruments that work continuously to support us and maintain a state of health - mental, emotional and physical - despite all the abuse that we throw at it...

Now, more than ever, we need...

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Planning My Personal Life..


When you are really busy and especially when you are having fun learning new things, planning and managing multiple projects and activities between home, work, family commitments and time for you, it is easy to get very scattered in thought and the activity.

I'm a master at this.!.!

And then there is nothing so good as sitting down and making a...

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The relationship between physical pain and emotional trauma

health Jul 08, 2019
Are accidents a coincidence?
Is chronic pain something we have to live with?

Life is funny really. In a 'funny' sort of way. 

There have been times in my life where I really needed to just stop.
  stop doing something ..
    make a significant change ..
      or change a behaviour that had become a habit ..


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