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Being adaptable and going with the flow...


Day 48... Sunday 10 May following the unusual Friday holiday to celebrate VE day.

More uncertainty and perhaps a glimmer of hope?

Are we coming out of lockdown? How are we coping? Have we adapted? Are we redefining what is important? As we move into the new 'rules' are we ready to deal change?

It feels like this has been a time of looking at what we...
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No Right or Wrong Way

A friend called to tell me that her best friend’s mother had died in hospital alone of this dreaded virus. My friend was deeply upset.  She had known the lady since her childhood.

What was causing her most distress, was that she couldn’t at this point go to the friend, to offer comfort and support. To follow the traditional norms....

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The Power of Communication

communication wellbeing Jul 27, 2019

As people we all need people. We need to connect. To effectively reach and meet with another soul. To interact. To communicate verbally, visually, spiritually. To share. To believe. To be heard. 

Communicate - to share or exchange ideas, news or information 

But sometimes we also need to ‘go quiet’ and just ‘be’. 


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