Lynda Fussell

I’m a qualified life and wellbeing coach with a number of healing modalities ‘in my back pocket’, for those that are open to exploring alternative ways of releasing blocks, traumas and stresses that are impacting your decisions, daily living and ultimate happiness.

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People, our interactions with each other and with our beautiful planet, are the things that make me buzz.

I love to explore nature, the interactions within creating biodiverse environments, ancient wisdoms and modern science around our health, thinking and inner boundaries.

As an author and teacher, this provides plenty of opportunities and many insights that I love to share.

I’ve worked in large corporates, small businesses, start-ups and had a few ventures of my own over the years. I’ve volunteered in numerous countryside activities, surveys, guided walks, open access patrolling and more. I’ve trained with experts in wild flowers, trees, birds, hedge laying, moorland management. I love life. I love change. I love the natural cycles, the seasons and the ebb and flow of everything.

I grew up in Southern Africa, and have lived in many countries throughout my life, and now I am very happily settled in the spa town of Harrogate, in North Yorkshire. I have found ‘my place’ where I can enjoy the countryside, the big skies and the wonders of Yorkshire.

I love learning and for many years I studied an extremely diverse range of subjects while working in an equally diverse number of jobs and industries. Core to everything though has been people.

How we think….

  • How we function; alone, in relationships and in groups…
  • How we are influenced by our experiences and those around us…
  • How we are motivated, driven and achieve…
  • What inspires us daily or to make changes…
  • How our emotional wellbeing affects our physical health…
  • How incredible our bodies are at managing, coping and ultimately healing our wounds – the visible and invisible hurts…
  • How fantastic and connected we all are…

My life has been filled with an amazing array of diverse experiences that have shaped who I am today and for which I am very grateful. From crazy life-changing events to moments of extreme happiness, to great challenges and many adventures.

  • Being a single parent to my two fabulous girls – what a joy, some challenges but mostly just amazing experiences.
  • Having a large extended family with simply wonderful relatives spread across the world is such a blessing.
  • A couple of marriages and subsequent divorces… makes you ‘big and tough’ but also helps to really understand and appreciate good solid relationships and where some adjustments in attitudes and behaviours can make a transformative difference.
  • Travelling extensively and living in many countries brings an insight to cultures, beliefs, prejudices, celebrations and a wide-open perspective on life.
  • Being naturally energetic I have played many team sports including squash, hockey, rugby, and indoor cricket. I have also done the more solo sports of golf and long distance running which are very dependent on mindset but with the camaraderie of others. For many years I ran a horse-riding school and taught hundreds of people to ride and appreciate the very special interaction you have with those magnificent animals.
  • A major accident in 2003 gave a strongly independent lass a few lessons around accepting help… Being on crutches for more than 6 months brings a host of life lessons.
  • A walk along the Portuguese Coastal Camino Way with a couple of mates, in 2017, brought so many of the things I had read about and ‘learnt’ into focused reality of practical application. This was so unexpected and such a joy. These lessons now form the fundamental basis for almost everything that I do. You can read more about these, in my writings, at The Camino Lessons.
  • Being the support vehicle for three amazing young people cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats, in 2018, raising money for charities. Such a wonderful way to bring together my previous retreat catering experiences, my massage and healing skills and all while having a fabulous time seeing this beautiful country from a different perspective.
  • My current daily routine includes walks with my dog, meditation and yoga. Somewhat quieter but deeply peaceful and energising.

Writing is now a key part of sharing my experiences and thoughts.

You will find articles, blogs, courses and meandering thoughts throughout my websites and a couple of books too. It was a great honour and incredible experience to contribute to The Success Formula, with Jack Canfield and many other amazing thought leaders.

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The Camino Lessons

In June 2017, Grant, Ian and I set out for a walk along the Portuguese Coastal Camino Route.

We covered 280 kms, took two weeks and carried around 18kg each. 

It was hot. It was magical. We laughed. We sweated. We were quiet. We were noisy.

But mostly we learnt a lot about ourselves, about stripping away the modern niceties, about being in the moment, about friendship, about leadership, about people.

Yorkshire Retreats

Having been a countryside volunteer for many years, patrolling the moors, fixing gates, laying hedges, surveying paths, supporting guided walks and doing breeding wader surveys I know, love and understand many of the hidden places of North Yorkshire.

I invite you, to join me, on a journey of discovery - of our landscape, our wildlife, our people, our places and of ourselves.

Walking, yoga, great food, fun, relaxation and being present are the key ingredients. 

Window On Wildlife

A regular look at what is happening in the great outdoors.

Just noticing the seasons, the changes, the beauty and the wildlife.

Pausing to capture, admire and wonder.

Each observation inspiring some thoughts and providing an opportunity to share some insights and wisdom.

Appreciating the world around us and the connectedness of all things. 


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