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Being adaptable and going with the flow...


Day 48... Sunday 10 May following the unusual Friday holiday to celebrate VE day.

More uncertainty and perhaps a glimmer of hope?

Are we coming out of lockdown? How are we coping? Have we adapted? Are we redefining what is important? As we move into the new 'rules' are we ready to deal change?

It feels like this has been a time of looking at what we like, and what we don't like...
Witnessing our feelings and experiencing things differently,
Seeing nature recover, and how quickly it does is inspiring and provides hope for our future,
Connecting with friends and family,
Helping those new to Zoom find their confidence and keep connecting and supporting others.

If you need help for yourself, or others, to get familiar with Zoom I have created a user-friendly Zoom Training, initially for my Dad and his U3A friends but it is there and available for anyone who needs some assistance and confidence.

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It is wonderful to able to get out into nature. So many people around the world don't have this privilege.


Spend time observing what is going on around you. Should you be using the time in nature to be present or are you watching movies? Yes this is the 'green gym' but it isn't as mind-numbing as being indoors. Really notice and listen, and feel the energy of nature as life continues for the plants and critters regardless of what we are doing and actually easier without our cars, noise and disturbance. Have you noticed how quiet it is?

If having a conversation can you take a walk or do you need to be sitting at your desk? Perhaps you can get out and 'take the air' while you are walking?

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What is being triggered within you when you react to others, and other circumstances. Why are you seeing and / or reacting?

If something comes up, take time to notice it. Observe what is being shown. Be aware of your feelings and responses. Then seek understanding of why you are feeling like that. Is it still relevant or even real? Perhaps it is time to let it go?

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Friday was VE Day and, here in the UK, we had a public holiday on Friday. Whilst this may not seem anything unusual for many parts of the world, it really is here. All our holidays apart from Christmas and New Year, are on the closest Monday, creating long weekends with what we call bank holiday Mondays. It was lovely to see all the socially distant parties as neighbours took tables and bunting into the streets and set up on their driveways to connect and celebrate from their own homes.

World Wars went on for years, ours has been a seven weeks, the times may be different but the disruption to daily life is significant. We are now getting a small taster of how things can change so quickly and become so different.

Me, the prefect mentality and stickler for doing what is right broke out marginally and did some "naughty things", in terms of what is 'allowed' and experienced guilty feelings that came along with the pleasure of connecting, at a distance... This weekend we did some new things:

  • A socially distanced walk with my daughter and son-in-law, 
  • Walking in areas where people have broken down dry stone walls to explore and spread their walking wings,
  • Followed by a socially distant refreshing drink in the garden with the family...

Seemingly small and very safe things but not technically permissible...

However, VE Day was special and more so as Mum shared photos of her at the victory celebrations, aged about three and a half. It was lovely to have that time across the generations and to reflect on past memories whilst creating new memories.

What are you sharing? 
What new things are you learning?
What are you doing with your family and/or partners?
How are you celebrating special events - 30 birthday parties?
How are you sharing with others?
Who are you connecting with and how?
Are you creating memories?

I leave you with this: Connect with each other. Create memories. Capture moments on camera. These are different and special times.

With love


If you are finding things difficult please reach out and talk to someone. It is tough, any change is difficult.

I, and many other people around you, will do what we can to support you. Please reach out. Ask for help. Talk to others. 

There are a range of options available:

  • For those trying to find a routine in working at home
  • If you need someone to talk to, let's have a chat
  • If you are looking for some inspired reading
  • If now is the time to focus on you and what you want in life, we have plenty of time to do that..., then take a look at the various coaching options available 
  • Join in the "mycornerintime" hashtag on instagram and twitter, where I am taking a daily picture of a corner of my world and capturing the beauty of the changes
  • There will be more things over the next few days so sign up for the latest news about home based retreats, group coaching, mental resilience, stress management, home based working, and just keeping sane. 

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