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The masking, unmasking and exploration of "normality"

covid19 wellbeing Apr 26, 2020

There have been a few conversations over the last couple of days about "normality".

What is normal?

What is a normal family life? A normal upbringing? A normal childhood? A normal relationship?

There is so much to explore here but, I believe, that the essence is in perception.

We spend our life living the way we think we are supposed to.

Doing the things that, we believe, others expect of us.

Go to school
Behave in accordance with rules
Do well in exams
Perform on the sports field or artistic activities
Perhaps go to Uni
Perhaps get a job
Have good friends
Find a "nice" partner fro a steady relationship
Get married
Buy a house
Have 2.4 children
Walk the dog
Have a steady job 
Work hard
Have holidays
Offer skills for community service
Retire and have fun
etc, etc, etc...

Can you relate? 

Were you ever encouraged to take time out to think? To just be? To explore your inner thoughts? To listen to your own heartfelt desires? To honour your soul?

Do we even know what we really want .. .. .. ? 

If you could do anything in the world, what would that look like?

Without the constraints of money, or expectation, or known / acceptable occupations, how would you spend your time? Who would you spend your time with? What would you bring to the world?

There are messages all around us - do you hear them? 

Are you listening to you? 

Are you hearing the nudges from the Universe?

What does it take to make you listen; to take notice; to be still and hear your own inner desires?

What is hidden in the shadows? In your own shadows?

As we strip back the masks that we have worn for years, those ones that we have presented to the world, our work colleagues, our spouse, our friends, we expose and find our real true selves. And we are beautiful.

And then, we are being asked to put on a mask when we go out in public. A mask that covers our smile, our communication "portal". How ironic!

With all of these "games" of masks where is the normality? What is normality? Was anything we ever knew actually normal or just a perception created by a mask?  

Cleaning and clearing... Removing the masks... Exploring the hidden shadows...

Are you making the space to live, work, relax, etc in your home?

We need to have different spaces for each of our activities. Regardless of the size of your space there is a real need to have demarcated space to work, eat, chill, and just be.

When your working day has finished, pack up your work things and create an "end of the work day". If you can't have a separate study space, make sure that you change the energy and create something new.

If you are working on the kitchen table, clear your work away, put some flowers on your table, light a candle, do something that really changes the energy and space. 

A simple but essential way to survive working and living in the same space.

So many disparate but somehow related thoughts and themes in this update...

I wish you calm and time to really reflect on what is important to you. To listen to your inner guidance and to create the space to hear it.

With love


If you are finding things difficult please reach out and talk to someone. It is tough, any change is difficult.

I, and many other people around you, will do what we can to support you. Please reach out. Ask for help. Talk to others. 

There are a range of options available:

  • For those trying to find a routine in working at home
  • If you need someone to talk to, let's have a chat
  • If you are looking for some inspired reading
  • If now is the time to focus on you and what you want in life, we have plenty of time to do that..., then take a look at the various coaching options available 
  • Join in the "mycornerintime" hashtag on instagram and twitter, where I am taking a daily picture of a corner of my world and capturing the beauty of the changes
  • There will be more things over the next few days so sign up for the latest news about home based retreats, group coaching, mental resilience, stress management, home based working, and just keeping sane. 

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