5 ways to boost your immune system

Boosting the immune system is essential to fight the covid-19 virus

The WHO have now officially called the covid-19 coronavirus a pandemic. The odds are that many of us will catch this disease and most of us will recover.

To ensure that we have the best possible chance of a mild version with full recovery we need to focus on supporting our immune system.

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Plenty of good quality sleep is needed to allow our amazing bodies to regenerate and fight any disease. Mental and physical wellbeing is supported by sleep.

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The energy source for all systems in the body is food. Good quality nutritious food goes a long way to supporting our natural in built defence mechanisms. Eat to enhance.

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Yes water... Our bodies need a regular supply of clean water to keep lubricated and transport the amazing cocktails of life force through to every cell and system.

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Our bodies are designed to move. They operate best when mobile allowing the fluids and energy to circulate, supplying and cleansing all aspects.

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Fresh Air

Fresh air is always great but more so with the covid-19 being a respiratory virus. Ensure that you have access to plenty of air, especially at night or when in isolation.

Sleep - tips & suggestions

  • Get as much as you need every day - ideally around 8 hours
  • Go to bed and wake up at regular times - ideally before 11pm, and as close to 10pm as possible (for adults)
  • Ensure that children and teenagers are also getting plenty of sleep...
  • Sleep in a dark quiet room - wear an eye mask and ear plugs if this is not possible
  • Limit the use of electronic devices during the last hour before going to bed
  • Don't sleep with electronic devices close to your bed / head - if you use your phone as an alarm put it into flight mode or on the floor
  • Don't charge your phone overnight next to your bed - charge it in the hour before you go to bed when you are not using it...
  • Sleep in a well ventilated bedroom

Food - things to think about

  • Eat as nutritious meals as you can plan - plenty of dark leafy vegetables and lots of colour, think rainbow
  • Get creative and explore new recipes online or purchase an exciting new book to try something different
  • Try to have as much plant-based food as possible - fresh and cooked from scratch is ideal
  • Include plenty of protein especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan - be sure to have loads of beans and lentils..
  • Have three proper meals a day
  • Limit the amount of sugar you are consuming - this is an inflammatory food and will raise temperature and pain levels... 
  • Try to eat at regular times - ideally don't eat after 8pm, give yourself a good 10 hours with no food to allow for complete digestion and gut health
  • Consider supplements if you are poorly or exercising heavily

Water - keep well hydrated

  • It is really important to keep hydrated - drink at least 4 large glasses of water a day and plenty more if you are feverish
  • Drink water - it is a vital component of the body..
  • Remember that tea, coffee and alcohol reduce the fluid in your cells - drink even more water if you are drinking these
  • Reduce the soft drinks especially those with loads of sugar - support your body by giving it the fluids it needs to metabolise efficiently
  • If you are exercising or feverish be sure to replenish the water you are losing through sweating

Exercise - We are built to move..

  • Our bodies are designed to move - sitting all day is really bad for our physical mobility
  • The fluids in our bodies flow more readily and easily as we move and exercise - this aids the spread of healthy nutrients and oxygen to all cells and the removal of toxins and nasties
  • Our mental wellbeing is uplifted by the flow of endorphins and adrenaline - keep moving to keep happy!
  • If you are in isolation you can still move about cleaning... or just walking on the spot in front of the TV... go on try it - you will feel better for it
  • If at all possible get outdoors and go for a walk - the fresh air, exercise and magical healing powers of nature are going to positively affect your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing
  • We are almost all capable of walking - even it is only a short distance - try and extend the time or distance each day and feel the benefits

Fresh Air - some ideas for you

  • Fresh air will help you feel better and reduce the risk of spreading germs 
  • Get outdoors if you can and feel the sunshine on your face and wind in your hair... - it is magical really!
  • Breathe deeply and slowly - feel the calmness and still be energised as oxygen floods your body
  • Sleep with a window open and ensure there is good circulation in the bedroom - this will aid improved sleep and help keep your lungs healthy
  • Exercise and fresh air naturally go together - if you normally exercise indoors, try walking around the block first or just open the windows
  • Remember that when you are out in the wind you will be losing moisture so drink water when you come back indoors, or finish exercising
  • The trees are starting to open their leaves - plants are fabulous at providing clean and fresh smelling air for us to inhale

Be inspired with easy to implement healthy ideas that will be good for you and fun to do...